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BIGGEST TAKE AWAY ~ NA Tribe Presentations!

I found the process of researching, creating and then presenting on the topic of the Muscogee people one of the most enjoyable parts of this course. It was fascinating, heartbreaking and illuminating to learn about a people that I was wholly ignorant off, up until now.    I found the experience of watching other groups present, equally fascinating and informative since several groups also taught on Native peoples which I was familiar with in name only. Learning about Native Peoples both in the past and present offered some profound insight not only into American History and cultures but also gave my colleagues and my self the opportunity to ask key questions and highlighted important nuances in teaching Native Culture in a respectful and appropriate way.  The largest take away from this process came from the dialogue which ensured with my fellow teacher candidates. This dialogue delved into meaning reflection addressing the vital need for respectful, appropriate instructi...

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