Illustrating the Difference between Models, Strategies and Methods ~

    It can all get a little ambiguous - and wow so many circles, right?! Models, strategies, methods?  What does it all mean? This post will break down the definitions and highlight their roles and pedological value. 

    Let's being at the beginning ( a very good place to start! And yes, that was a sound of music reference.. for anyone who may have gotten it!) 

    Models represents the broadest definition of an instructional platform. According to our text, models are framed around philosophical opinions concerning teaching ( instruction, 1).  They are the foundation from which all other directives to teach spring from. It is common for a model of teaching to stem from a prominent Doctor of Education or other type of researcher who studied and championed that approach to instruction.

    Number 2! Strategies! Within all models of instruction there will be strategies. These are the bricks are instructor might choose as the best way to frame or build around a lesson or objective for their instruction. Strategies can be categorized as direct, indirect, interactive, experimental, or independent.

    Number 3! Methods! What are methods you may ask? Think of  methods as the smallest part of the way an educator frames a learning experience for a student. These are the finishing touches to the house. Our text notes that although some methods are associated within certain types of strategies, you can find many methods across a wide range of strategies.




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