SUMMARIZE! Chapters, 1,2, 3!


In addition to lectures, creating Lessons Plans, planning a unit, teaching during field work, This course,  also asks graduate students to consider many readings. This entry examines the content of Teaching Social Studies in the Elementary School: Communities, Connections, & Citizenship.

Chapter 1 examines the definition and role educators should place on the field of social studies in the classroom. It delves into approaches, subject areas, and frames an  argument for teaching social studies in the elementary classroom. It explores ways in which to integrate social studies into curriculum within the elementary environment.

Chapter 2 gives an overview of the history of social studies within the classroom and provides a historical framework for social teaching within the United States History. This includes topics such as Dame Schools and the role of the civil rights movement. This chapter outlines different phases of reform and specifically highlights colonial, 19th century reform and form after 1957.

Chapter 3 addresses ways to best apply standards and includes topics such as best practices, connections and integration. This chapter poses the question how do educators help all students reach success. Chapter 3 explores the ways in which to apply put best practices, best connections, and integration while following state standards and breathing these concepts tinto classroom curriculum. This chapter wraps up with some resources for teachers.




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